Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Astigmatism and Contact Lenses

Astigmatism & Contact Lenses

Astigmatism is a vision disorder leading to blurred vision. It may happen because of the change in the curvature from the eye lens or form of the cornea. Astigmatism can be simply treated with contact lenses although soft lenses don't help. Individuals with astigmatism can easily use colored contacts. Others, too, may use nonprescription colored contacts.

Lots of people have taken to wearing nonprescription colored-contacts but individuals with astigmatism or blurred vision often be worried about how wearing colored contacts will affect their eyes. Most believe they do don't have any choice except to make use of spectacles to fix their vision. Astigmatism is generally caused as a result of change in the form of the corneal lens or even the shape of the cornea itself. Because the shape of natural lens is changed an ordinary spherical contact cannot not help these folks. The invention from the aspherical lens is a blessing for individuals affected with astigmatism. This issue can now be easily corrected with such special lenses called Toric lenses. Severe astigmatism requires surgical intervention. However, using toric lenses has shown to be effective in most of the cases.

These toric lenses serve the twin need of providing capacity to the natural lens in addition to bending the sunshine rays in an angle to fix the blurred vision of the baby. Individuals with astigmatism would normally also suffer low self confidence and could only imagine corrected vision and never worry about style and search. However, the advancements in science have ensured that toric lenses are actually available as colored contacts also. Which means that astigmatism correction along with the need to look good can both be performed through these special toric colored contacts.

It has to however be borne in your mind that toric lenses don't fall within the category of prescription free contacts because their primary me is in fixing the blurred vision and never enhancing the personality from the user.

Nonprescription colored contacts for normal vision have been in spherical shape and don't always require an optometrist's prescription. Toric lenses have power and therefore are primarily intended for vision correction. Thus, even though it is possible to purchase color enhancing contacts in aspherical shapes, they have to always be prescribed or recommended with a qualified physician. Toric colored contacts might be slightly expensive when compared with ordinary toric lenses and really should by all means be bought under medical health advice.

Astigmatism correcting colored contacts can be found in the same color ranges as nonprescription colored contacts and also the popular ones are green, blue, hazel, black, aqua, amethyst, violet and brown contact lenses.

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